
# 99


Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Frankenstein was published in 1818, the work of a 21-year-old genius named Mary Shelley. Hundreds of movies, adaptations, and monster masks later, its reputation remains so lively that the title has become its own word in the English language. Victor Frankenstein, a scientist, discovers the secret of reanimating the dead. After he rejects his hideous creation, not even the farthest poles of the earth will keep his bitter monster from seeking an inhuman revenge. Inspired by a uniquely Romantic view of science’s possibilities, Shelley’s masterpiece ultimately wrestles with the hidden shadows of the human mind.




11月も雨のわびしい夜、消えかかる蝋燭の薄明かりの下でそれは誕生した。解剖室などから各器官を寄せ集め、つぎはぎされた身体。血管や筋のひとつひとつが透けて見える黄色い皮膚。そして、茶色くうるんだ目。若き天才科学者フランケンシュタインが生命の真理を窮めて創りあげたもの、それがこの見るもおぞましい怪物だったとは! 無生物に生を与える実験の、しかしあまりに醜悪な結果に、彼はこの生き物を見捨てて逃げ去るのだが……。いくたの映画やドラマ、小説等を通じ、あまりに有名な不朽の名作。